About us

We are the only Genetic centre in Latvia who performs Preimplantation genetic testing on site, in our own laboratory. We perform PGT-A and PGT-M testing for other Latvian and foreign clinics. All other Latvian clinics send the material abroad.
Modern medicine every day finds the new ways to the deepest parts of the human body, getting more and more information about human genes, their mutations, leading to congenital pathologies and possible infertility. The true causes of male and female infertility of “unclear” origin every year become more obvious and easily identifiable thanks to the latest developments in the field of reproduction and genetics. Accurate and detailed diagnosis is the key to successful treatment, whatever the diagnosis.
Genetic centre iVF Riga, thanks to the innovative achievements in the field of reproduction and genetics, has the opportunity to provide an in-depth examination for couples with infertility, miscarriage, and unsuccessful IVF attempts.
At Genetic centre iVF Riga, patients consult geneticists Dr. Liene Kornejeva and Dr. Ieva Grinfelde.
During the consultation, a geneticist collects anamnesis and can offer an expert opinion regarding the risk of passing down genetic disorders to the next generations, determine the possible causes of infertility and offer possible solutions; prescribes karyotyping (genetic blood tests) to future parents. According to the results, together with the patient geneticist discusses and selects an appropriate treatment strategy to reduce the risks or impact of genetic infertility causes for the purpose of conception and having a healthy child. Doctor issues an opinion on the need for preimplantation testing (PGT) indicating the test method, which is most relevant in the case of a particular pair.
The number of embryos examined for the presence of genetic abnormalities: 8295
The number of IVF cycles after PGT-M (Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic/single gene diseases): 36*
*for the families after genetic examination, in which the hereditary genetic disorder is molecularly confirmed.
- Huntington’s chorea
- Thoracic Aortic Dissections
- Ichthyosis – mutations in the ALOX12B gene
- Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- GM1-Gangliosidosis
- Myotubular myopathy
- Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy
- Hemophilia B
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria
- Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- Cystic fibrosis
- PRKAG2 cardiomyopathy
- Microphthalmia
- Prolidase deficiency
- Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss
In 2014, the first Genetic Center iVF Riga was opened in Baltic Countries and Northern Europe, where you can get in-depth genetic examinations.